Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Sweeny Todd Marathon

It has been an incredibly busy the last couple of weeks surprise surprise!  Foolishly after Feathers I thought things might go back to normal but I have come to the conclusion being busy, a bit stressed and constantly doing things is normal.  When Marion and I came up with the concept for the costumes for Sweeny Todd we knew it was going to be a challenge I don’t think we knew what we were really getting ourselves into. Automatically we were behind at the beginning as there was problem with the budget and we didn’t get our money for ages therefore as we were making the costumes all from scratch we couldn’t buy the materials.  Slowly but surely things have been finished but not without sacrifice due to our busy uni schedules the only time we have had to work are early in the mornings. Getting up bright and early to get to Marion’s for half six and heading to uni for ten. Pulling all nighters trying to get things done. In a way it has been great for me that we were behind as it meant that I couldn’t be afraid of the difficult sewing I had to go straight into it. It’s been amazing and incredibly challenging and I have learnt so much. For example making shirts, doing cuffs on sleeves, making trousers, understading how to fit things and make adjustments, using elastic all sorts. Finally everything was done and we had the first night last night and it went incredibly well. It was a very different experience for me as all the costumes were made from scratch therefore; the chance of people   ripping or damaging them was likely certain things happened meaning quick action had to take place so I now know I can sew in the dark and under pressure. I can’t wait to hear the feedback from people about the show and I am looking forward to the next three nights!