Thursday 3 February 2011

new project!

Yesterday afternoon I had a meeting with a director named Jennifer Tang. This was in regards to helping out with a show that she is directing. It was through  Shape of Clouds that I got this as the media designer for our show has a production company and he mentioned that they were putting on the play 'feathers' and they may need a stage manager. The play was taken to Edinburgh festival in 2010 and received mixed reviews. Some good, some bad. The play is a story based on the tales and myths of Ovid. Reading the specific tale the play is based on I am looking forward to receiving the script!
This is going to be a very challenging project as it is out of my comfort zone what with it being out of university, and not working with people that I am used to. There may even be a chance for me to work on some costume and shadow the lighting designer! Giving me some practice in for the third year final PT show!

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