Sunday 13 February 2011

Shopping for Todd!

I have found a new love for shopping when it comes to costuming for a show! Usually with the budgets we get in the drama society and the types of plays that we put on we are restricted to shops like Primark, cheap and modern. However, with Todd Marion and I decided that we would go to boot fairs. We have been to two so far last week we went to the Wimbledon. It was a good boot fair with a bit of a strange atmosphere but we managed to buy so much for so little. It was actually enjoyable, something shopping in Primark does not make you feel. Today we went to the Battersea boot fair we did not find as much as there were  not many stalls there. However, we found some great buys, £10 for a set of massive curtains providing us with so much material for the costumes Jackets, belts lace so much usable material. I’m looking forward to getting on with the making now :)

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