Saturday 19 March 2011

New and exciting work!

This year Al gave me a very good contact and introduced me to a Producer called Flavier Fraser Cannon.  I have been trying most of 3rd year so far to work with her but everything always clashes!  Producing is something that has always been very interesting to me as  its not something we look at much in university.
I went to see Favier a couple of weeks ago to have a coffee.Here we talked about what she does and how she does it. I managed to get a day where I would be able to go in and just give her a hand for the day learning about all the projects she has and has coming up. I had a look at some contracts from theatres one of them for the Edinburgh festival and I could not believe how in depth they are they cover absolutely everything!!!!! 
The really good news is that Flavier has just lost her intern and she has now offered the job to me! So once a week, sometimes more I will be going up to London to help her out. I’m going to be doing this for two months and then we shall see how it goes.

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