Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday the 5th of march

We are finally there, next Monday Feathers is in the Etcetera theatre! I have found the last couple of weeks very trying as I have been doing more jobs then I banked on. It has been a very different process to what I am used to as there are two of us in the tech team. For the last week we have been in the last week of rehearsals this is where everything has to come together. I have spent this week making sure that the book is complete and that the actors have had as many props as possible. We have had an interesting time with props as one of the props is a vase a vase that must break in one of the actor’s hands. In the original performance at the Edinburgh festival they used two china bowls one that was already broken and one that was intact. I was really worried about doing this as when the vase broke in the actors hands there is a chance that is would break in the wrong way in the actors hands, causing injury. Using plain china or glass I decided that it was not an option I wasn’t going to risk a accident like that putting the actor at risk. This meant I needed to find an alternative. Talking to lecturers at uni it came to the surface that sugar glass could be used and this seemed like a better option to me. Doing some research into it though it became apparent that this would be a very costly option and would not be feasible. Jennifer our director came up with the simple idea that maybe we could use paper mache so Sarah who is doing the making has been able to return to her childhood and do some making. We haven’t been able to use them in rehearsal but I am confident that it will work and once they are painted it will look great.  I have a couple of things I still need to do before we go into the plot and tech. I need to finalise the lighting design that Sarah and I came up with the director, complete my safety report and go over all my notes making sure I have everything that is needed.
It is going to be difficult on Monday as Sarah and I haven’t used the space in the etcetera and from what I hear the lighting desk isn't like the one at uni. So there is going to be some very quick learning for us both! I can't wait to get to Monday and see the show on the road on tuesday!

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